Comfort Cases: Comfort Cases founder, and incredible human, Rob Scheer, was given a trash bag to pack his belongings, as he entered his first foster home at the age of 12. When he aged out of the system at 18, he became homeless, and again packed up his belongings in a trash bag. Nearly 30 years later when he became a foster parent, his four children arrived at his home with trash bags. He was saddened that nothing had changed. In 2013, Rob’s family and their community founded Comfort Cases and set out on a mission to eliminate trash bags from the foster care system. 

Over 700 children enter the foster care system each day. MOST ARE GIVEN A TRASH BAG TO CARRY THEIR BELONGINGS.
These children have been neglected and often feel like they don’t matter. Many do not own a toothbrush or have a pair of pajamas.
A Comfort Case gives a child entering foster care a sense of dignity and hope. Each is packed with a cozy new pair of pajamas, a stuffed animal to hug, a toothbrush, soap, and other personal care items. The gift of these simple items tells a child, you matter.  


Childhelp:  If you’ve ever heard Jen talk about foster care and her heart to help abused and traumatized children, then you’ve heard her passion for Childhelp and the truly healing and inspiring work they do. Their work is so transformative, their founders have been nominated for 9 Nobel Peace Prizes.  If it were up to Jen, she’d take up the next two hours of your life telling you about Childhelp, so we’ll just point you to Childhelp’s website and tell you they’re amazing.